Basic of security system with camera is saving all event without stopping, that couse system need a big
capasity of hard disk. Apart form that, system need a operator for monitoring, control and measure if something
happen. So, that can not do if in travel.
Security system solution is system only save video on fixed times, monitoring and control can do from
long distance and there is a report if something happen on territory in watch.
Form result of security system act of planning, that only save video if something happen on territory in
watch. Monitoring and control to change position of camera with turn motor stepper that connected to computer
parallel port can do from long distance use internet facilities. And a report of something happen send use a SMS
for immediately measure.
So, conclusion is security system not need a big capasity of hard disk, becouse system only save small
capasity of files. Video streaming can use for monitoring and camera position change use internet facility. The
time that refort send use SMS facility for territory owner.